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Social Engineering ist durchgespielt

Soziotechnische Welten - Teil 14


Perfect solution for legacy code


How To Build a Data Product with Databricks

In today’s data engineering, the focus is primarily on developing modular data products. This article outlines the advantages of modularity over monolithic data pipelines and explains, step-by-step, how to develop data products using Databricks – from defining a data contract to creating and implementing Databricks Asset Bundles, setting up a CI/CD pipeline, and publishing metadata.


Modernisierung einer Legacy Software-Architektur


Nicht mehr Open-Source

Technologieentscheidungen rational treffen

Blog Post

Type-safe SQL queries in Java and Rust

In recent years, our industry has been in favour of strong typing and build-time verification to make certain classes of bugs impossible. How much influence has this trend had on how we can write SQL queries in Java? Let’s look at how typesafe SQL queries can be in Java, how this compares to what you can do in Rust, and consider the benefits and drawbacks of these different approaches.


Identification of Team Boundaries

How to Identify Boundaries for Autonomous, Cross-Functional Teams


Die Ökonomie von Gut & Crypto III

Soziotechnische Welten - Teil 13

Blog Post

Type-safe HTML templates in Java and Rust

The current fashion in our industry is to use static and strong typing wherever possible. How fashion-conscious is the Java community when it comes to HTML templating, though? Let’s have a look at what approaches at type-safe or build-time verified HTML templating are available in the Java ecosystem, how they compare to what’s available in Rust, and whether the benefits outweigh the costs.


Die Ökonomie von Gut & Crypto II

Soziotechnische Welten - Teil 12

Blog Post


What, Why and How

Blog Post

Type-safe HTTP routing in Java and Rust

In recent years, the trend in our pop-culture industry has been to favour static and strong typing as well as build-time checks over dynamic typing and techniques like late binding. Where possible, you are expected to use the compiler for correctness checks instead of unit tests. Even though the Java language is statically typed, its type system is often considered to be not very helpful. Web applications written in Java are traditionally bristling with weakly typed APIs, heavy use of reflection, and lots of annotations that are interpreted at runtime. Let’s see how far the trend towards build-time checks has been adopted in the Java ecosystem when it comes to writing web applications, how it compares to what’s done in the Rust community, and what benefits and weak points these techniques have.


Was ist eigentlich htmx?

Das fehlende Puzzlestück von HTML?


API gut, alles gut

Schnittstellen für unabhängige Systeme

Blog Post

Bestehende Rich Clients erneuern

Oft gibt es Rich-Clients die als Backoffice-Applikation wichtige Funktionen erfüllen und nun Probleme machen: egal ob es um Support für mobile Geräte oder um einfaches Arbeiten von zu Hause geht oder auch nur um das Sicherstellen der Weiterentwicklung – Rich-Clients kommen mit Ihren eigenen Problemen. Ob die richtige Antwort für die Modernisierung solcher Applikationen immer die Migration zu einer Webapplikation ist, wollen wir in diesem Artikel beleuchten.


Fundamentals of software architecture: Part 5

Where does it go from here?


Fundamentals of software architecture: Part 4

Who does it?

Blog Post

Communicating organizational changes with “Team Topologies”

Whenever the need arises to set up a new team, split a team into two or move responsibilities between teams it is necessary to have a good idea of where you are and where you want to be after the change. Additionally to the current and final states you will very likely have phases with intermediate states. To help everyone involved to have a shared understanding of which phases you will transition through - and when responsibilities and communication channels have to be created or changed - a visual representation of these states can be used to paint a (literal) common picture.


Automating Dependency Updates with Renovate

Always stay up to date


Technologies for the Integration of Services

A small architecture study


Compliance in hybrid operating environments

Compliance is a key element of corporate governance. It helps ensure that developed software upholds the necessary legal conformity and quality. It is also an unavoidable criterion for modernizing a system landscape, which often goes hand in hand with migration to the cloud.


Fundamentals of software architecture: Part 3

Tasks and activities – How is it done?


Combinable Elements for User Interfaces on the Web

Components in web applications

Blog Post

Extending the OpenTelemetry Java Agent for Spring Auto-Instrumentation

OpenTelemetry is great. A few days ago, I was diving a bit more into the intrinsics of the OpenTelemetry standard and the Java auto-instrumentation in particular.


Zukünftige Features des JDK

Ein Blick in die Glaskugel