
Wardley Maps

Softwarelandschaften kartographieren

„Wer Wardley Maps nutzt, braucht keinen Unternehmensberater“, sagt Markus Harrer. Wardley Maps helfen nämlich dabei, komplexe Sachverhalte zu visualisieren und ein kontextspezifisches Situationsbewusstsein zu entwickeln. Im Podcast erklärt er, wie sich Softwarearchitekt:innen und -entwickler:innen die evolvierenden Strategielandkarten bei der Weiterentwicklung von Softwaresystemen zunutze machen können - und das nicht nur bei technischen Entscheidungen, sondern auch auf Ebene der Teamorganisation.
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Lucas was a senior consultant at INNOQ until August 2023. He works on the architecture, conception, and implementation of web applications on the front and back end. He programs in Ruby and JavaScript and helps with technology decisions & the adoption of different NoSQL solutions. Lucas is one of the authors of the book “The Rails 7 Way”. You can hear his voice on the INNOQ podcast quite regularly. He does open source and community work (like organizing and teaching at the local CoderDojo).

Senior Consultant

Markus Harrer is a software engineer who’s passionate about improving the way we do software development. He specializes in the analysis of software data such as source code, application performance data or version control repositories to show the underlying problems of the symptoms we face on the surface. He is an active contributor in communities on the topics of Software Analytics, software architecture, software modernization and Wardley Maps. He is also an accredited trainer for the iSAQB Foundation Level and the Advanced Level Module IMPROVE.