Security Podcast

Der Security-Adventskalender 2022

24 Türchen: 24 Folgen

Ab dem 1. Dezember gibt’s jeden Tag ein Türchen mit Kompaktwissen zu Security-Themen. Ihr findet alle Folgen automatisch in Eurem Podcast-Player.
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Hinweis: Die Transkripte zu allen Türchen findet Ihr hier.

Türchen Nummer 25: Des Rätsels Lösung

Türchen Nummer 24: Das Weihnachtsrätsel

Wir wünschen ein Frohes Fest und einen Guten Rutsch und hören uns im neuen Jahr wieder!

Türchen Nummer 23: Deepfakes

Türchen Nummer 22: Hardening

Türchen Nummer 21: Darkweb, Darknet und das Tor-Netzwerk

Türchen Nummer 20: Capture-the-Flag

Türchen Nummer 19: Namensverwirrung Nummer 3 – Cross-Site-Scripting

Türchen Nummer 18: IT-Security Farbenlehre, Teil II – Black, Grey und White Hat

Türchen Nummer 17: log4shell – ein Jahr danach

Türchen Nummer 16: IT-Security Farbenlehre – Red vs. Blue

Türchen Nummer 15: Zero-Trust

Türchen Nummer 14: Advanced Persistent Threat

Türchen Nummer 13: Die Zutatenliste für eure Software – SBOM

Türchen Nummer 12: “Alles ist Eins. Außer der 0.” - Film Tipp

Türchen Nummer 11: What’s all the fuzz about?

Türchen Nummer 10: Pen-Testing

Türchen Nummer 9: Namensverwirrung Nr. 2: "Raider heißt jetzt Twix – sonst ändert sich nix!” oder warum SSL heute TLS heißt

Türchen Nummer 8: Vom BSI empfohlene Sicherheitsmaßnahmen: Feuerlöscher

Türchen Nummer 7: Shift-Left-Security, DevSecOps und Security Development Lifecycle

Türchen Nummer 6: Namensverwirrung: OpenSSL, OpenSSH, OpenBSD, LibreSSL

Türchen Nummer 5: Hacking Gadgets

Türchen Nummer 4: CVSS - Das Commmon Vulnerability Scoring System

Türchen Nummer 3: NSA, Azure CTO und Christoph sind sich einig

Türchen #2: Cookies - Aber sicher

Türchen #1: Hallo, liebe Hörer:innen

Die helfenden Elfen 2022



Lisa worked as Senior Consultant at INNOQ until July 2023. Her main topics are web-architectures and programming in Java and JavaScript. She does frontend as well as backend-tasks. Besides programming and designing architectures, she does sketchnoting. Since June 2020 she creates sketchnotes for SoftwareArchitektur im Stream on a regular base. Occasionally she is in front of the camera as a guest or interviewer.

Senior Consultant

Christoph Iserlohn is a senior consultant at INNOQ. He has many years of experience in the development and architecture of distributed systems. His main focus is on the topics of scalability, availability, and security.

Senior Consultant

Anja Kammer is a Senior Consultant at INNOQ and supports companies on their journey to the cloud. In addition to providing advice on development processes and platforms, she develops cloud-native web applications in cross-functional teams. She is also an accredited trainer and co-curator for the iSAQB Advanced Level module CLOUDINFRA.


Lucas was a senior consultant at INNOQ until August 2023. He works on the architecture, conception, and implementation of web applications on the front and back end. He programs in Ruby and JavaScript and helps with technology decisions & the adoption of different NoSQL solutions. Lucas is one of the authors of the book “The Rails 7 Way”. You can hear his voice on the INNOQ podcast quite regularly. He does open source and community work (like organizing and teaching at the local CoderDojo).


Sonja works as a consultant at INNOQ. She works on web-related topics ranging from design, UX/UI, to backend development, with a focus on usable security.


Stefanie has been working as a marketer for over 15 years, both on the corporate and agency side. She joined INNOQ in 2022. Her passion is the written word. She is also interested in new technologies, especially the impact of generative AI on our work and life. Together with her colleague Robert Glaser, she regularly interviews guests in their podcast “AI and now”.


Ute worked as a consultant at INNOQ. Her technology focus is on frontend architecture and development, UX/UI design, accessibility and style guides. Ruby on Rails was her first love and so she is alwas happy if there is the chance to work on a Rails project as a full stack developer.


Kevin was a consultant at INNOQ until March 2024. His focus is on object-oriented programming. He works in the backend as well as in the frontend. Code quality is very close to his heart.


Sonja is a visual designer and autodidactic developer interested in the space where technology, art and society collide. In October 2014 she earned a Master’s in Sustainable Design from Kingston University in London, then relocated to Berlin. She currently works as a creative consultant for INNOQ.