Blog & Articles


Pixie und der Sumpf

Bare-Metal Provisioning, Schritt für Schritt

Blog Post

How AI will replace my job

I started using ChatGPT for my work. Here is what it taught me and what AI might hold for the future of software development and consulting

Blog Post

How to prepare a (not only technical) talk

As I want to improve on giving valuable (conference) talks this year, I like to introduce my current four-phase approach to preparing these. Because when you intend to improve things, it is always a good idea to start with summarizing the current state. From there you can find out what is already good and where there is room for improvement. I would love to hear / read about your tricks and ideas!

Blog Post

Custom Elements are NOT for Templating

Untangling the confusion between browser defaults and JavaScript component frameworks

Blog Post

Behaviour over structure


Frontend integration options

The integration of data and functionality in the frontend is a powerful topic that is still rarely discussed. This article aims to try and show established patterns of frontend integration and briefly name possible advantages and disadvantages.


KI-Systeme: MLOps, Model Governance und Explainable AI sichern robusten Einsatz


Helm und Helmfile

Dynamisches Duo für automatisierte Kubernetes-Deployments


Processing medical study data with Data Mesh technologies

Together with our customer CluePoints, we evaluated new technologies, tools and standards for data storage, data processing, data versioning, and data lineage. These might become useful for refactoring their self-serve data platform.

Blog Post

Was darf Employer Branding kosten?

Making of: INNOQ Stories


Sparsame Dokumentation

Aktuell, nützlich und schmerzfrei


Logging in Java

Logback, Log4j, SLF4J, and many more. Anyone working with automatic logging in Java will immediately come across an entire range of libraries that, at first glance, seem to do the same thing: issue log messages. So, in this article, we want to look at why there are so many libraries in Java and how they actually differ from each other upon closer inspection.


1×1 guter Architekturdiagramme

Von schlechter zu besser mit 11 praktischen Tipps


Modules – Microservices – Monoliths

Back to the architectural guidelines


Conway hat immer Recht

Kaum ein Konzept wird so häufig missverstanden wie Conway’s Law. In der letzten Kolumne wurde die theoretische Grundlage aus soziotechnischer Sicht beleuchtet, hier soll es nun um die praktischen Konsequenzen gehen.

Blog Post

Der Kickstart für Softwarearchitektur

Rein in die Praxis!


Direnv: Automatic environment care

Blog Post

Documenting software architecture with arc42

arc42 is a template for architecture communication and documentation. It is a proven, practical and highly pragmatic approach and takes the pain out of documentation.

Blog Post

How I regained concentration and focus

From distraction to concentration in a few simple steps

Blog Post

Offline with redux

A different approach to Web applications that work offline

Blog Post

Advanced Kustomize features

Kustomize’s strength lies in its simplicity, but now and then we have use-cases that need more flexibility and more dynamic behavior. For some of them, Kustomize offers additional features. But as with everything good, it should be used wisely. Otherwise, we fall into the trap of complexity and lose all the good parts of Kustomize.


Infrastructure Self-Service with Crossplane

Blog Post

We Are Developers World Congress 2022 in Berlin

Our Experience Report



Viele Webdienste bieten interessante Datenquellen, halten damit aber hinterm Berg. Wer weiß, wie’s geht, kann jedoch auch undokumentierte Quellen finden und mit Python anzapfen. Im zweiten Teil unserer Inspektion der eigenen Einkaufsdaten erforschen wir die APIs des Supermarktes anhand von Browser- und App-Analysen.


Dependently-Typed TypeScript

A look into the depths of the type system for JavaScript