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Heute gibt es Fisch

INNOQ wächst und verändert sich. Ein guter Zeitpunkt, sich selbst zu reflektieren und herauszufinden, was wir organisatorisch besser machen können. Doch wie genau funktioniert das eigentlich mit der Selbstreflexion? Um diese Frage zu beantworten, hat sich Lucas diesmal Hermann ins virtuelle Studio geholt. Gemeinsam sprechen sie über Methoden wie Design Thinking und Brainwriting, warum sich der Mut zur Masse lohnt und was das alles mit Fischen zu tun hat.
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Lucas was a senior consultant at INNOQ until August 2023. He works on the architecture, conception, and implementation of web applications on the front and back end. He programs in Ruby and JavaScript and helps with technology decisions & the adoption of different NoSQL solutions. Lucas is one of the authors of the book “The Rails 7 Way”. You can hear his voice on the INNOQ podcast quite regularly. He does open source and community work (like organizing and teaching at the local CoderDojo).

Senior Consultant

Hermann Schmidt is a Senior Consultant at innoQ Deutschland. After more than two decades as a developer and architect focusing on the “how” of software development, Hermann has shifted his focus to the “what” and “who”. As a facilitator, he is particularly interested in team dynamics, development processes, innovation processes, and methods. The problems hiding in the cloud between business and development have his attention. Recently, the appearance of large language models have ignited a spark that reminds him of his days as a 17-year-old in high school, sitting in awe and excitement in front of the only computer, writing his first programs.