

Articles, podcasts, talks, and more about Scala.
Blog Post

The Way of the Request

The Play Framework is a web application framework for Scala and Java inspired by Ruby on Rails. Although I like the official documentation, I always found it lacking in how requests runs through the framework. This article takes the reader on a journey tracing a request through the framework.


Die Top 5 der Neuerungen in Scala 3

Schon seit geraumer Zeit arbeitet das Team um Martin Odersky an der nächsten großen Version von Scala. Deren Spitzname „Dotty“ leitet sich ab von „Dependent Object Types“, dem logischen Kalkül, welches dem Typsystem zugrunde liegt. Doch es gibt nicht nur Verbesserungen in den Eingeweiden des Compilers. Die aktuell in der Release-Candidate-Phase befindliche Vorschau auf Scala 3 verspricht, das Programmiererlebnis deutlich zu verbessern.


Stufe 3

Neuerungen in der dritten Version der Programmiersprache Scala

Blog Post

So you want to compose some functions

Let’s say you have a list of functions and you want to compose them. Should be trivial, right? Of course it is, but maybe there’s an elegant way.

Blog Post

What Could Possibly Go Wrong

What could possibly go wrong if you put Clojure 1.10 and Scala 2.13 on the same classpath? We’re about to find out.

Blog Post

Scala Days 2019 in Lausanne

Unser Erfahrungsbericht

Blog Post

Functional Service in Scala

Functional programming helps programmers to reason about their codebase using referential transparency and side-effect control principles. Let’s push the limit and make pure-functional REST service using IO Monad from Cats-Effect project. First, we will do that using Akka-HTTP library and standard Scala Future as effect type. Afterwards, we will switch to abstract effect F to have a choice, when it comes to run our embedded program.

Blog Post

The language of maths is not the language of your business

Abstractions from category theory can be powerful. But there are reasons why you may want to keep your domain model free of them.


Advanced Scala – Teil 2

Type Level Programming


Advanced Scala - Teil 1

Scala für Fortgeschrittene

Blog Post

Solving the wrong problems

Instead of rushing to an engineering solution to a problem, we would often be better off by lying back and determining the root cause of our engineering problem, which is often an architectural one.

Blog Post

Functional Validation in Scala

Blog Post

Docker images for developers

Docker seems to be all the rage lately. There are docker talks at every conference, hosting Docker containers has become a hosting option with most if not all PaaS providers, and there is hardly a technology left that is not supposed to run better and more flexibly if you wrap it in a Docker container. Well, except maybe for enterprise-level DBMSs, but you can’t have them all. This post provides an example how Docker can be used at the start of the software lifecycle, during development.


Attribut-basiertes Testen mit Scala

Das Testen eines Software-Systems ist eine alltägliche Aufgabe mit dem Ziel, dessen Konformität bezüglich einer Spezifikation nachzuweisen. Die grüne Ampel der Testumgebung ist in vielen Projekten das Fieberthermometer, welches die Normaltemperatur des Systems verkündet oder zu Warnungen bei Überschreitung führt. Doch können wir diesem Messgerät trauen? Das Attribut-basiertes Testen ist ein Werkzeug aus der Welt der funktionalen Entwicklung, welches uns helfen kann die Zuversicht in unsere Systeme zu erhöhen.



Das Full Stack Web-Framework auf der JVM



Was die objektorientierte, funktionale JVM-Sprache in der Praxis bringt

Case Study

An IoT platform for the e-bike sharing startup “smide”


innoQ bei den Scala Days 2014 in Berlin