
From Parts to a Whole: Modular Development of a Large-Scale e-Commerce Site

In this session, we will show how OTTO, Germany’s largest online fashion retailer, used a system-of-systems approach to enable modular, parallel development of its ambitious shop relaunch. We’ll talk about the platform’s macro and micro architecture, the modularization into autonomous subsystems, as well as the challenges, both technical and organizational, in integrating the parts into a consistent whole using simple Web Technologies. Topics covered also include cross-cutting concerns such as an asset server, the approach to platform engineering and quality assurance, aggregation of front-end components including caching strategies, and the management of APIs and media types.

A green field approach based on open source components, a distributed architecture instead of a monolith, cross-functional and agile engineering teams with a strong devops focus, continuous delivery and fast feedback as the new culture on product development - these are the characteristics of OTTO’s new online world. Launched in October 2013 the new shop managed the traffic peak before Christmas successfully.

17:50 - 18:40
Conference / Event
QCon London 2014
The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre, London