
Kubernetes Secrets

Schützenswerte Resscourcen

Wie schütze ich meine sensiblen Daten und Schlüssel innerhalb einer Container-Umgebung? Sebastian und Sascha widmen sich dieser Fragestellung und geben Antworten, wie Kubernetes Secrets genau dieses Problem lösen.
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Senior Consultant

Sebastian Janzen is a Developer and Senior Consultant at INNOQ. Since 2007, he is working on web technologies. Recently he is dedicated to Internet of Things projects and works in Front- and Backend.


Sascha Selzer worked as a Senior Consultant at INNOQ until January 2024. He has many years of experience in development with JVM-based languages and in software architecture. His current focus is on the design and implementation of backend architectures, as well as continuous delivery/deployment strategies. He also deals with cloud topics such as monitoring and tracing solutions as well as related architecture and development paradigms (microservices, devops).