Blog & Articles


Direnv: Automatic environment care

Blog Post

Documenting software architecture with arc42

A brief introduction

Blog Post

How I regained concentration and focus

For years, I enthusiastically produced content: books, articles, blog posts, and talks – averaging a book and a half plus five articles per year. Since about 2020, my productivity has plummeted – leaving me totally frustrated. There were no external causes, even the pandemic didn’t affect me, thanks to a nice home office and online work options — so no excuses. To find a way out of the misery, I put my own working habits to the test – and diagnosed a massive loss of concentration. ​ ​

Blog Post

Offline with redux

A different approach to Web applications that work offline

Blog Post

Advanced Kustomize features


Infrastructure Self-Service with Crossplane

Introducing container technology and Kubernetes to the development and deployment process allows developers to independently manage deployments of their services without needing to interact with the platform team. This is true for applications but not necessarily for external resources like databases which are probably still in the hands of the platform team because the access management and tooling differs. Crossplane could fill this gap towards a full self-service capability.

Blog Post

We Are Developers World Congress 2022 in Berlin

Our Experience Report



Supermarkt-Apps und -APIs seziert


Dependently-Typed TypeScript

TypeScript is a programming language with some special features: Unlike most other typed programming languages, it was developed as an add-on for JavaScript (JS). In the process, Microsoft has placed great value on ensuring that the language integrates as seamlessly as possible into the existing ecosystems (Node.js and browser). TypeScript’s syntax “merely” adds types to JavaScript, while the compilation “merely” removes the type annotations. This has made TypeScript the de-facto standard for building type-safe JS-based applications.


Ich, Du und Conway’s Law

Soziotechnische Welten – Teil 5


Autonomie und Entscheidungen

Soziotechnische Welten – Teil 4


cards42 English edition

Finally, cards42 is available in English! The cards42 project supports software developers in your daily work with software architectures. 30 cards provide brief food for thought for stuck situations and help shed new light on difficult challenges. This article provides detailed explanations as well as the background and further information about the cards.



Mit Python und Pandas die eigenen Einkaufsdaten analysieren

Blog Post

Rich code documentation with Jekyll

Blog Post

Code knows no gender

Girls’Day - Braucht man den eigentlich noch? Immerhin stehen Mädchen heute zwecks Berufswahl eine Vielzahl an Informationsquellen zur Verfügung: von zahlreichen Internetseiten, über Podcasts bis hin zu Vorbildern im persönlichen Umfeld. Ein Blick auf die Zahlen in unserer Branche aber verrät: Ja, den brauchen wir. Denn nur 25 Prozent aller Informatikstudierenden sind weiblich. Da liegt die Vermutung nahe, dass es mehr Aufklärung, Information und auch ein wenig Werbung bedarf, um mehr Mädchen für die Softwareentwicklung zu begeistern. Wie wir den Tag in Hamburg gestaltet haben, was wir gemeinsam mit den Girls erreicht haben und die eine oder andere lesson learned – darum geht’s in diesem Blogpost.

Blog Post

Customer-specific documentation with Jekyll

Blog Post

Was macht ein Trainee bei INNOQ?

Über meine Zeit als Trainee bei INNOQ


Data Mesh: Decentralized Data Analytics for Software Engineers

The decentralized data architecture approach Data Mesh is designed to enable developers to independently perform cross-domain data analysis.


Querying DNS and LDAP Using JNDI

What Is JNDI Actually?


TypeScript – Taming the Complexity of JavaScript 

Blog Post

INNOQ and Family

Is it possible to successfully combine a family and a consulting career? Here at INNOQ we think so. Three of our employees report on how and why this works well.


Continuous Deployment mit GitOps


Next Please!

How the Event Loop Enables Asynchronous Code in Browsers

Blog Post

Managing Kubernetes Resources with Kustomize

Helm is the de-facto standard for managing groups of Kubernetes resources that belong to an application as a package. It comes with its own ecosystem to build, configure and distribute these packages. In some cases, this is an appropriate approach but sometimes we just want to manage our resources as yaml files and need a simple way to slightly modify the resources for different environments. In this article we will have a look at how Kustomize can help us with this.


Fairness and Artificial Intelligence

Why Metrics Are Not Enough