Blog & Articles

Blog Post

Evidenz aus Hirnstürmen

Von Fischen und Kartoffelknödeln

Blog Post

Just Add Code
(Part 2)

Using GitHub Catalyst for Progressive Enhancement with Web Components

Blog Post

Is Domain-driven Design overrated?

Domain-driven design (DDD) is a useful approach that provides excellent guidelines for modeling and building systems, but it is a means to an end, not an end in itself. While the concepts are valid, you lose a lot if you limit yourself to using them only: There actually is a life beyond DDD.


What tracks do we leave behind with technology?

How monsters can teach us about responsibility: INNOQ Digital Art Edition 02

Blog Post

Just add Code (Part 1)

Using Hotwire Stimulus for Progressive Enhancement with Web Components

Blog Post

Kurzlebige Branches in Git

Während eines Kundenprojekts mussten fast durchgehend sehr umfangreiche Oberflächen mitsamt Backend implementiert werden, was zu Beginn in sehr großen Pull-Requests und Merge-Konflikten resultierte. Im Laufe der Zeit haben wir mehrere Branching-Strategien verwendet, um diese Herausforderungen in den Griff zu bekommen.

Blog Post

Turning a group of strangers into a team

Teambuilding during COVID-19

Blog Post

Defect Analysis using pandas

Using standard Data Science tools from Python to track bugfixing activities

Blog Post

Progressive Enhancement with Hotwire

A REST-based backend with a JavaScript monolith on top – that’s todays de-facto standard for web applications. With Hotwire you can build much more lightweight web applications, that both inherit the advantages of SPAs and avoid their disadvantages. In this blog post we’ll give an overview of Hotwire.


Remote Mob Programming at INNOQ

We asked four teams about their experiences with Remote Mob Programming


Mit Git die Vergangenheit manipulieren

Git auf der Kommandozeile

Blog Post

Der INNOQ Technology Day

Am 09. Dezember 2020 fand unsere erste Online-Konferenz statt. In diesem Blog-Post möchten wir einen kleinen Rückblick geben und unsere “lessons learned” teilen.


Es muss nicht immer grafisch und klickbar sein

Grundlagen von Git auf der Kommandozeile

Blog Post

Deploying a WebAssembly smart contract on Oasis Ethereum


Domain-driven Design und Bounded Context

Die Konzepte von DDD und Bounded Context sind in der Praxis komplizierter, als es auf den ersten Blick erscheint.

Blog Post

Innovation in the web without sacrificing accessibility


The art of software reviews

Probleme und Risiken in Software zielsicher identifizieren


Pragmatic RESTful HAL APIs

The Hypertext Application Language (abbr. HAL) is a media type extension to plain JSON/XML – with its introduction in 2012 – no longer a newcomer and used already in many projects with Hypermedia APIs. A good time then to say a few words of praise, also to show obstacles and what solutions we found in daily work with HAL APIs - for implementing clients as well as for the server side.

Blog Post



Die VENOM Story

Strategische Anwendungsmodernisierung mit Split+Extract Strategien

Blog Post

Tests Granularity

In two previous posts we discussed the benefits of automated tests and the properties of a good test. So far we were trying to avoid differentiating the tests in any way. This time we want to address one way how tests can be classified: tests granularity.


MLOps: You train it, you run it!

CI/CD & Operations für Machine Learning


Software Reviews

Mehr als nur Clean Code

Blog Post

Good arguments for SPA frameworks

I love SPAs when they are used with a clear purpose. I hate them when they are not. This blog post tries to explain my personal conflict.


Gut gesiebt

Von Usability und Features – Service Meshes im Vergleich