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Entwickeln mit ChatGPT

Wie KI meine Programmierarbeit revolutioniert


The Evolutionist

Software Architecture Work on Existing Systems


Fundamentals of software architecture: Part 1

Welcome to the first part in the mini-series on software architecture. We start by examining the original source of the term – since the word architecture presumably conjures in most people thoughts of buildings.


Fundamentals of software architecture: Part 2


Blog Post

Rate Limiting with Spring Boot, Bucket4j, and Redis

Blog Post

Rate Limiting with Spring Boot

Let’s implement rate-limiting protection for your Spring Boot server without the need for any additional dependencies beyond those included in the Spring Boot Starter package.

Blog Post

Lokale LLMs mit Ollama und Spring AI nutzen

Ein Lama im Frühling

Blog Post

Compacted State Feeds


Es lebe die Bürokratie!

Die Digitalisierung hilft, Bürokratie zu reduzieren, glaubt man. Warum das so einfach nicht ist, erklärt diese Kolumne.

Blog Post

Was treibt dich an?

Wie unterschiedliche Auslöser unterschiedliche Ansätze der Softwaremodernisierung bedingen


Automatisierte Code-Wartung mit OpenRewrite

Teil 2

Blog Post

Rooting Out Issues: JPA and Lombok Combination Problems Demystified

Ever encountered perplexing issues with JPA and Lombok’s @Data annotation when handling entities in Java? This blog post explores unexpected behaviors, especially with auto-generated IDs, in conjunction with equals and hashCode methods. Learn about identity and uncover how you can resolve these challenges forever.

Blog Post

Die Anatomie eines erfolgreichen Teams

…und worauf Sie bei der Zusammenstellung eines erfolgreichen Software-Entwicklungsteams achten sollten


Automated code maintenance with OpenRewrite

Part 1

Blog Post

Schema Evolution

Using Kafka, sooner or later you might want to describe a schema to specify your data structures. Since software continuously changes during it’s lifetime you’ll also have to evolve your schema. In this article we’ll discuss approaches and tools which can guide you in the realization of your schema evolution.

Blog Post

Micro Frontends With Ionic And Capacitor


Die Ökonomie von Gut & Crypto I

Soziotechnische Welten - Teil 11

Blog Post

Testing your GitLab CI/CD pipeline

If you develop a pipeline as a service for other development teams you should treat it as a product and establish product development processes, a versioning strategy, etc. around it. Besides that, as potentially many teams will use and rely on your pipeline you want to make sure that new features don’t break existing functionality. This ensures that your customer base remains happy and able to deliver business value. Therefore you need some sort of testing and we will demonstrate a way to (integration-) test your GitLab CI/CD pipeline.

Blog Post

Mit Reviews in Legacy-Situationen orientieren


JDK 21, the next long-term support release

An overview of the changes since JDK 17


Containers for tests and local development with Spring Boot 3.1

Spring Boot 3.1.0, the most recent minor release of Spring Boot 3, appeared in May. In this article, we will be taking a look at how the new support for Testcontainers and Docker Compose can help us with tests and local development.


Testing in Spring Boot applications

Slice it up, please

Blog Post

How to bootstrap a tech conference with a 100% women+ speaker lineup

A look back to the Women+ in Data and AI Summer Festival as we plan ahead for 2024


No future-proof architectures!

Architecture: The term itself radiates stability. It seems clear, then, that good architecture should be future-proof. But precisely this goal often leads to problems. Does that mean it is better not to design future-proof architectures?


Is Platform Engineering the new DevOps?