Blog & Articles


Fundamentals of software architecture: Part 3

Tasks and activities – How is it done?


Combinable Elements for User Interfaces on the Web

Components in web applications

Blog Post

Extending the OpenTelemetry Java Agent for Spring Auto-Instrumentation

OpenTelemetry is great. A few days ago, I was diving a bit more into the intrinsics of the OpenTelemetry standard and the Java auto-instrumentation in particular.


Zukünftige Features des JDK

Ein Blick in die Glaskugel

Blog Post

Entwickeln mit ChatGPT

Wie KI meine Programmierarbeit revolutioniert


The Evolutionist

The current training and further education of software developers strongly focuses on the development of new software. Conferences and trade magazines are full of new programming languages, new tools, new hypes, which seemingly never cease to amaze. Quick results, direct feedback, and unprecedented productivity are suggested. The urge to incorporate the new into one’s software is awakened – until one is brought back to reality: their own legacy system.


Fundamentals of software architecture: Part 2



Fundamentals of software architecture: Part 1

Building, purpose, aesthetics

Blog Post

Rate Limiting with Spring Boot, Bucket4j, and Redis

Let’s implement rate-limiting protection for multiple Spring Boot server instances using bucket4j and redis to have the solution on application level.

Blog Post

Rate Limiting with Spring Boot

Blog Post

Lokale LLMs mit Ollama und Spring AI nutzen

Ein Lama im Frühling

Blog Post

Compacted State Feeds

Event notification vs. Event-carried State Transfer vs. Delta loads. How to design good event architectures for mutable data?


Es lebe die Bürokratie!

Soziotechnische Welten - Teil 10


GitOps geht auch ohne Kubernetes

Blog Post

Was treibt dich an?

In der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt der Softwareentwicklung ist die Modernisierung von Software eine unerlässliche Aufgabe, um mit ständig ändernden Anforderungen und Technologien Schritt zu halten. Es gibt immens viele Ansätze zur Modernisierung von Software. Aber es ist eine Herausforderung, die richtigen Werkzeugkästen in den richtigen Situationen zu finden. Wie schön wäre es, die eine «Ultimative Softwaremodernisierungsmethode™️» in den Händen zu halten, die all die Probleme mit den in die Jahre gekommenen Softwaresysteme lösen kann?


Automatisierte Code-Wartung mit OpenRewrite

Teil 2


Abhängigkeitsupdates mit Renovate automatisieren

Immer auf dem neuesten Stand bleiben

Blog Post

Rooting Out Issues: JPA and Lombok Combination Problems Demystified

Ever encountered perplexing issues with JPA and Lombok’s @Data annotation when handling entities in Java? This blog post explores unexpected behaviors, especially with auto-generated IDs, in conjunction with equals and hashCode methods. Learn about identity and uncover how you can resolve these challenges forever.

Blog Post

Die Anatomie eines erfolgreichen Teams

…und worauf Sie bei der Zusammenstellung eines erfolgreichen Software-Entwicklungsteams achten sollten

Blog Post

Schema Evolution

with Apache Avro


Automated code maintenance with OpenRewrite

With the large number of software development projects in most organisations, keeping these projects up to date with the latest security patches and framework updates can be quite a task. OpenRewrite is a library that provides an automated solution to this problem. Using recipes written in Java, it can perform large-scale source code refactoring during the build process, preserving as much of the original code as possible. In this blog post, I will explain how OpenRewrite works and how you can use it to refactor your code base.

Blog Post

Micro Frontends With Ionic And Capacitor


Die Ökonomie von Gut & Crypto

Teil 1

Blog Post

Testing your GitLab CI/CD pipeline

If you develop a pipeline as a service for other development teams you should treat it as a product and establish product development processes, a versioning strategy, etc. around it. Besides that, as potentially many teams will use and rely on your pipeline you want to make sure that new features don’t break existing functionality. This ensures that your customer base remains happy and able to deliver business value. Therefore you need some sort of testing and we will demonstrate a way to (integration-) test your GitLab CI/CD pipeline.

Blog Post

Mit Reviews in Legacy-Situationen orientieren