
In-Depth: Practical Microservice Modelling with DDD’s Strategic Design

In this highly interactive session we are going to dig deep into strategic design aspects for finding the right and suitable granularity and interaction model for Microservices. The session will cover intense discussions surrounding Bounded Contexts, the meaning of given models in Bounded Contexts, Domain Events and Context Mapping, including the given patterns such as Shared Kernel, Customer / Supplier, Anticorruption Layer or Separate Ways (just to name a few).

The in-depth session will be based on a code based (Spring Boot) demo application landscape and will include analog as well as digital labs. This session will consist of approximately 40% presentation and 60% labs and audience participation.

10:00 - 13:15
Konferenz / Veranstaltung
microXchg 2017
Kalkscheune, Berlin