
RESTful HTTP: Using the Web for SOA

REST is the architecture of the World Wide Web, and it has recently become noticed as a new contender for the hype of the day. In essence, RESTful HTTP means nothing more than applying the Web’s technologies the way they were meant to be used, which is a strong contrast to the way Web Services based on SOAP, WSDL and the WS-* ecosystem abuse it. The benefits of using HTTP correctly include a vast variety of infrastructure components, proven interoperability, unlimited scalability and a strong architectural model governed my meaningful constraints. But while many SOA practicioners have started to accept RESTful HTTP as a viable strategy for simple use cases, there is still a wide-spread belief that more advanced cases require more complicated approaches. In this talk, we will take a look at the core ideas and principles behind REST and RESTful HTTP, address some common doubts, and show how to exploit the benefits of REST to achieve SOA goals for both basic and advanced usage scenarios. Topics covered include documentation, description and discovery, reliable communication, eventing, transactions and hypermedia. Finally, we will conclude with a list of recommendations on how to introduce a RESTful approach in step-by-step fashion into a large enterprise’s overall architecture.

11:15 - 12:00
Konferenz / Veranstaltung
SOA & Cloud Symposium