Blog & Artikel von Daniel Westheide


Nicht mehr Open-Source

Technologieentscheidungen rational treffen


Type-safe SQL queries in Java and Rust

The Type-Safe Web Stack, Part 3


Type-safe HTML templates in Java and Rust

The current fashion in our industry is to use static and strong typing wherever possible. How fashion-conscious is the Java community when it comes to HTML templating, though? Let’s have a look at what approaches at type-safe or build-time verified HTML templating are available in the Java ecosystem, how they compare to what’s available in Rust, and whether the benefits outweigh the costs.


Type-safe HTTP routing in Java and Rust

The Type-Safe Web Stack, Part 1


How we cut our website’s carbon emissions in half



What is Sustainable Software?

Environmental sustainability is a very important issue, but software is something virtual, so it doesn’t seem to have an impact, right? Wrong! As software creators, we have a significant impact and can make a difference by incorporating the principles of eco-friendly software development into our understanding and practices.


Remote Mob Programming bei INNOQ

Wir haben vier Teams zu ihren Erfahrungen mit Remote Mob Programming befragt


Scala Days 2019 in Lausanne

Unser Erfahrungsbericht


Blockchain Mining: Embarrassingly Parallel?

In this blog post, we are going to look at three different approaches at mining new blocks in a blockchain using Rust, all of them using multiple threads, and we’re going to compare their runtime performances with each other and with that of the two single-threaded solutions from the previous post.


Blockchain Mining with Rust


The language of maths is not the language of your business


The perils of shared code

In this blog article, I want to examine why using a sharing code between microservices may sound attractive in the first place and why it can cause bigger problems than the ones you try to solve.


Solving the wrong problems


Why RESTful communication between microservices can be perfectly fine