Security Podcast

Der Security-Adventskalender

24 Türchen: 24 Folgen

Ab dem 1. Dezember gibt’s jeden Tag ein Türchen mit Kompaktwissen zu Security-Themen. Ihr findet alle Folgen automatisch in Eurem Podcast-Player.
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Hinweis: Die Transkripte zu allen Türchen findet Ihr hier.

Türchen #24: Die Weihnachtsfeier

Es gibt Geschenke 🎁 Aber vorher: ein Rätsel.

Wir verlosen einen Platz in unserem iSAQB Advanced Level Training Web-Security! Um am Gewinnspiel teilzunehmen, musst Du der Fährte folgen, die wir in dieser Folge für Dich ausgelegt haben.

Zum Rechtlichen: Du musst das 18. Lebensjahr vollendet haben. Mitarbeiter:innen von INNOQ und deren Verwandte sind von der Teilnahme ausgeschlossen. Der Rechtsweg ist ebenfalls ausgeschlossen. Die Teilnahmemöglichkeit endet am 15. Januar 2022.

Türchen #23: Nichts ist so wie es scheint

Unsere Favoriten




Was Ihr euch sparen könnt:

Türchen #22: Shodan

Türchen #21: Loveletter

Türchen #20: Zero-Click-Angriffe

Türchen #19: Portscanning und Portknocking

Türchen #18: Creeper und Reaper

Türchen #17: log4shell - der Security Supergau des Jahres

Türchen #16: Vorsicht Kamera! Daktylogramme in Gefahr

Türchen #15: Dateien sicher übertragen mit Magic Wormhole

Türchen #14: Der Computerwurm Morris

Türchen #13: Git Commits mit SSH-Schlüsseln signieren

Türchen #12: Der Algorithmus NONE im JWT

Türchen #11: Das Phrack-Magazin

Türchen #10: Was bedeutet eigentlich Zero-Day?

Türchen #9: Verschlüsseltes UDP

Türchen #8: Das BSI verschickt einen privaten Schlüssel

Türchen #7: Hackerparagraph

Türchen #6: Security Engineering von Ross Anderson

Türchen #5: Signierte Cookies

Türchen #4: Malware

Türchen #3: Kali Linux

Türchen #2: Heartbleed

Türchen #1: CIA


Falls ihr Fragen oder Anregungen habt, schreibt uns gerne eine E-Mail an [email protected].



Lisa worked as Senior Consultant at INNOQ until July 2023. Her main topics are web-architectures and programming in Java and JavaScript. She does frontend as well as backend-tasks. Besides programming and designing architectures, she does sketchnoting. Since June 2020 she creates sketchnotes for SoftwareArchitektur im Stream on a regular base. Occasionally she is in front of the camera as a guest or interviewer.

Senior Consultant

Christoph Iserlohn is a senior consultant at INNOQ. He has many years of experience in the development and architecture of distributed systems. His main focus is on the topics of scalability, availability, and security.

Senior Consultant

Anja Kammer is a Senior Consultant at INNOQ and supports companies on their journey to the cloud. In addition to providing advice on development processes and platforms, she develops cloud-native web applications in cross-functional teams. She is also an accredited trainer and co-curator for the iSAQB Advanced Level module CLOUDINFRA.


Lucas was a senior consultant at INNOQ until August 2023. He works on the architecture, conception, and implementation of web applications on the front and back end. He programs in Ruby and JavaScript and helps with technology decisions & the adoption of different NoSQL solutions. Lucas is one of the authors of the book “The Rails 7 Way”. You can hear his voice on the INNOQ podcast quite regularly. He does open source and community work (like organizing and teaching at the local CoderDojo).


Sonja works as a consultant at INNOQ. She works on web-related topics ranging from design, UX/UI, to backend development, with a focus on usable security.


Stefanie has been working as a marketer for over 15 years, both on the corporate and agency side. She joined INNOQ in 2022. Her passion is the written word. She is also interested in new technologies, especially the impact of generative AI on our work and life. Together with her colleague Robert Glaser, she regularly interviews guests in their podcast “AI and now”.