Our offering

Together with Movacar, INNOQ conducted a 4-day Design Sprint, in order to get valuable and real user feedback regarding the envisioned business case for the start-up.
In order to counter the growing overhead costs that are incurred at INNOQ each month for travel expense accounting, four INNOQ employees simply built an SaaS solution themselves, laying the cornerstone for the Reisekostengorilla.
In our view, a mature product can be developed only when design and development work hand in hand. That is why we have developed modules that permit a unique approach. With methods that exert their effect at just the right point in time – from the first vague idea to the finished product; methods that from the very start incorporate user groups and accelerate processes.
Now the actual development process can begin. However, ensuring that a really good product comes out at the end requires not only software development (continuous development) but also user tests and validation (continuous discovery). And it is even more important that they both take place in synch. We use all our experience to make sure they do: Forward-looking concept work takes place parallel to and in concert with development. And, of course, UX experts are part of the product team. The features conceived are developed right away and then tested. The feedback from the tests flows back into development without delay. That ensures that every development provides the desired outcome. And that the time is soon at hand for the now-we-deliver module!