Blog & Artikel


Babylon as a Feature

Multi-lingual documentation, made simple


Assessing the Sustainability Impact of Startups

A Guide for Entrepreneurs


How to Encrypt a File on the JVM

You’ve got a secret password and some bytes you’d like to encrypt. JVM has all the tools you need to get it done.


Creating data products with Terraform on AWS


Tracing in verteilten Anwendungen

Spuren im Microservicedschungel finden


Accessibility im Web Teil 1

Webanwendungen barrierefreier zu gestalten, ist mit nur geringem Mehraufwand und nativen HTML-Elementen möglich. Das zeigt eine Beispielanwendung.


Automated code maintenance with OpenRewrite (Part 2)


Automated code maintenance with OpenRewrite (Part 1)


Kustomize Enhancement with KRM Functions

For a while, Kustomize has offered the possibility to extend its functionality with plugins that can be implemented in different ways. A new way is to use KRM functions that are not proprietary and can also work with other tools.


Container-Images mit Buildpacks erzeugen

Also, wat is en Buildpack? Da stelle mehr uns janz dumm


How to use Apple Shortcuts to integrate GPT-4o in macOS and iOS

Hey GPT, what’s this email about?


Ist BI-Software für Entwicklungsteams sinnvoll?

Zeit ist ein kostbares Gut und mit der Analyse und Aufbereitung von Daten lässt sie sich gut verbringen. Darum kann es sich lohnen, sich einmal mit BI-Software zu beschäftigen.


Eigenschaftsbasiertes Testen mit „fast-check“

1000 auf einen Streich


Schubladen für Product Owner


Diverse Themen und Bibliotheken für Tests in und mit Java

In diesem Artikel betrachten wir bunt gemischt diverse Themen und Bibliotheken rund um Tests für und mit Java. Dabei folgen wir keinem roten Faden, sondern lassen uns durch das übergreifende Thema treiben.


What is Sustainable Software?


Shortcomings of ISO 25010


How to use and build your own distroless images

Security and efficiency are key goals in production systems. This begins when we build our application images and look for a suitable base image. So what are good base images and how do distroless images fit into this picture?


Pixie und der Sumpf

Bare-Metal Provisioning, Schritt für Schritt


Warum dein Team Data Products braucht


How AI will replace my job

In late 2022, I decided to try to use ChatGPT, an AI language processor, to do some of my daily software development work. Now, only a few weeks later, I am convinced AI might soon do most of my current work, at least measured by hours.


How to prepare a (not only technical) talk


Custom Elements are NOT for Templating

Untangling the confusion between browser defaults and JavaScript component frameworks


Behaviour over structure

We, developers, often forget why we even exist. We quite often don’t remember that our purpose is not to write software, but to solve problems. Those come in different forms, but can be generalized as “we need to start doing this”, “we need to stop doing this” or “we need to do this differently”. Those “do” and “doing” are the key, whatever “this” is. It’s the behaviour our software exhibits that is most important, almost everything else is secondary.


Typist wechsel dich (Remote Edition)

Code-Übergabe in wenigen Sekunden mit dem mob Tool