
Securing Microservices

We’re happy to host the Microservices Meetup Berlin at our Berlin office in Kreuzberg.

Tonight’s talk by Sam Newman from Thoughtworks is on “Securing Microservices”. Microservices give us many options. We can pick different technologies, mix synchronous and asynchronous integration techniques or embrace different deployment patterns. But they also give us different options in how we think about securing our systems.

Done right, and microservices can increase the security of your vital data and processes. Done wrong, and you can increase the surface area of attack. This talk will discuss the importance of defence in depth, discussing the many different ways in which you can secure your fine-grained, distributed architectures

20:00 - 21:00
Konferenz / Veranstaltung
Microservices Meetup Berlin October 2015
innoQ Deutschland GmbH, Ohlauer Str. 43, Berlin