Blog & Articles


Babylon as a Feature

Multi-lingual documentation, made simple


Assessing the Sustainability Impact of Startups

A Guide for Entrepreneurs


Property-based Testing with “fast-check”

It isn’t exactly news that developers have to write not only code but also tests. Nevertheless, many find this to be burdensome and monotonous work. Plus, it is far from guaranteed that unit tests actually cover all the border and non-border cases. A modern approach is property-based testing, which consists of specifying an abstract condition that is then automatically checked by the test framework.

Blog Post

How to Encrypt a File on the JVM

Blog Post

Why Your Team Needs Data Products


Creating data products with Terraform on AWS

Have you heard of data mesh? Are you intrigued by its potential but uncertain how to get started building data mesh and data products? If so, this article outlines a potential approach and delves into the key concepts behind it!


Tracing in verteilten Anwendungen

Spuren im Microservicedschungel finden

Blog Post

Automated code maintenance with OpenRewrite (Part 2)

Blog Post

Automated code maintenance with OpenRewrite (Part 1)

With the large number of software development projects in most organisations, keeping these projects up to date with the latest security patches and framework updates can be quite a task. OpenRewrite is a library that provides an automated solution to this problem. Using recipes written in Java, it can perform large-scale source code refactoring during the build process, preserving as much of the original code as possible. In this blog post, I will explain how OpenRewrite works and how you can use it to refactor your code base.

Blog Post

Kustomize Enhancement with KRM Functions


Round-robin coding

Code handover in mere seconds with the mob tool


Container-Images mit Buildpacks erzeugen

Im Rahmen dieser Kolumne habe ich mich schon häufiger auch mit Containern und Docker beschäftigt. Obwohl es sich hierbei weder um ein Java- noch um ein direktes Entwicklungsthema handelt, ist es für viele Projekte von hoher Relevanz. Schließlich spielt heute auch der Betrieb von Anwendungen für die meisten Entwicklungsteams eine hohe Rolle und dieser nutzt aktuell in vielen Fällen Container. Hier wollen wir uns mit Buildpacks eine weitere Möglichkeit im Detail anschauen, um zu einem Container-Image zu gelangen.

Blog Post

How to use Apple Shortcuts to integrate GPT-4o in macOS and iOS

Hey GPT, what’s this email about?



How objects work in JavaScript


Diverse Themen und Bibliotheken für Tests in und mit Java

In diesem Artikel betrachten wir bunt gemischt diverse Themen und Bibliotheken rund um Tests für und mit Java. Dabei folgen wir keinem roten Faden, sondern lassen uns durch das übergreifende Thema treiben.


What is Sustainable Software?


Shortcomings of ISO 25010

Blog Post

How to use and build your own distroless images

Security and efficiency are key goals in production systems. This begins when we build our application images and look for a suitable base image. So what are good base images and how do distroless images fit into this picture?


Pixie und der Sumpf

Bare-Metal Provisioning, Schritt für Schritt

Blog Post

How AI will replace my job

I started using ChatGPT for my work. Here is what it taught me and what AI might hold for the future of software development and consulting

Blog Post

How to prepare a (not only technical) talk

As I want to improve on giving valuable (conference) talks this year, I like to introduce my current four-phase approach to preparing these. Because when you intend to improve things, it is always a good idea to start with summarizing the current state. From there you can find out what is already good and where there is room for improvement. I would love to hear / read about your tricks and ideas!

Blog Post

Custom Elements are NOT for Templating

Untangling the confusion between browser defaults and JavaScript component frameworks

Blog Post

Behaviour over structure


Frontend integration options

The integration of data and functionality in the frontend is a powerful topic that is still rarely discussed. This article aims to try and show established patterns of frontend integration and briefly name possible advantages and disadvantages.


KI-Systeme: MLOps, Model Governance und Explainable AI sichern robusten Einsatz