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Altered ER-Model

I altered a part of my ER-Model concerning the implementation of the time-reporting:

There’s no longer an entity called “Arbeitszeit” (working time). All the worked hours and days should now get stored in the extra many-to-many-table that’ll be created in between “Stundenzettel” (timesheet) and “Projekt” (project). That table might have the following attributes: StundenzettelID, ProjektID, workingTimeTotal, dailyTimes, notes.
So far I’m not sure how to store all the hours to their corresponding days in dailyTimes (because that’s at least about 30 values every month and user), but I might use a plain text field which contains a somehow-delimited list of working-hours (ascending from the 1st to the last day of the month).

The “Mitarbeiter” (co-worker) entity is also the applications entity for storing login- and user-information.

What you see on the latest mockup, is in Rails the update- or new-action/view for the “Stundenzettel”-controller. I think there won’t be any implementation of a read- or delete-action for “Stundenzettel” (timesheets).

So, I hope this will work for me…

And yes, next time the ER-Model will be in english, too, that I don’t have to bother you (and me) with this language mix. I also code in english, so this makes sense anyway.

Comments (2)

There is absolutely no reason to save space by encoding stuff within database fields -- I would strongly advise against this :-)

Having a table with working hours per day, employee and project seems fine to me. You can always keep a redundant total to speed up calculations, and archive old entries after a year or so.

Thanks for your comment. I really wasn't sure how to store all the working hours. It seemed to much effort to me to add a new database entry for every day, employee and project; and due to the fact that this data is only used in this screens to calculate the complete amount of hours. So far it has no relevance for any other part of the application.

So, ok, I'll make a revision of the model and consider your suggestion.

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DanielHi. I'm Daniel Pietzsch and this is my innoQ-Blog. I'm a 26y old student at FH Bochum and working student at innoQ.
In this blog I mainly write about the progress concerning my diploma thesis which will be an in-house application for innoQ based on Ruby on Rails, but some other (geek) stuff might appear here, too.

daniel [dot] pietzsch [alt-L] innoq [dot] com

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