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Flog Score

"Flog shows you the most torturous code you wrote. The more painful the code, the higher the score."

Damit ist eigentlich alles gesagt! Hier der Link: http://ruby.sadi.st/Flog.html

Die Score des Codes aus dem Posting zuvor:

ss1.rb:20: warning: `&' interpreted as argument prefix
Total score = 38.8476045651339

main#none: (11.9)
     2.7: assignment
     1.9: to_a
     1.7: flatten
     1.6: name
     1.5: map
     1.5: branch
     1.3: []
     1.3: find
     1.1: pp
     1.1: new
SecretSanta#initialize: (6.7)
     3.9: assignment
     2.8: dup
     1.3: shuffle!
     1.3: assign!
SecretSanta#no_two_indices_are_alike: (5.2)
     4.2: assignment
     1.4: ==
     1.3: branch
     1.3: all?

Und die von meinem Code:

Total score = 64.3800571683191

main#assign_santas: (27.4)
     7.0: assignment
     6.8: branch
     5.3: personal_santa
     4.7: can_be_santa_of?
     3.8: length
     3.4: rand
     2.4: each
     1.7: []
     1.5: swap_santas
     1.5: select
     1.3: delete_at
main#none: (23.6)
    10.0: assignment
     7.7: new
     3.2: personal_santa
     2.8: firstname
     2.8: lastname
     1.4: email
     1.2: puts
     1.1: each
     1.1: assign_santas
     1.1: branch
"Total score = 64.3800571683191"

Es war mir eine Ehre euch gequält zu haben...


DanielHi. I'm Daniel Pietzsch and this is my innoQ-Blog. I'm a 26y old student at FH Bochum and working student at innoQ.
In this blog I mainly write about the progress concerning my diploma thesis which will be an in-house application for innoQ based on Ruby on Rails, but some other (geek) stuff might appear here, too.

daniel [dot] pietzsch [alt-L] innoq [dot] com

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