Blogosphäre (aus JavaSPEKTRUM 05/07)

, Sep 10, 2007

Mashups als EAI 2.0, Atom, REST, Hadoop, Jabber und Erlang/OTP — dieses Mal wagen wir mit der Blogosphäre einen Blick in die Kristallkugel.

Meine neue JavaSPEKTRUM-Kolumne ist online — für Leser dieses Blogs einen Tag früher. (Aber das meiste dürfte dem aufmerksamen Leser hier ohnehin schon bekannt sein …)

On September 10, 2007 8:19 PM, Sankar Khrishnamurthy said:

Stefan, I have noticed that you have entries both in English & German. I am not very conversant with German. OK, that was a blatant lie if there ever was one. I do not know German. So, what does an international audience to do with your blog entries in German? Shall we treat them as irrelevant to non German speaking audience?

On September 11, 2007 1:55 PM, Stefan Tilkov said:

I think ignoring is the best approach, as they’re usually not relevant. I thought about offering different feeds, but the frequency of German entries is so low I decided not to bother …