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Wrong, wrong, wrong, and again: Wrong!

Clemens Vasters hasn’t given up on his anti-angle-brackets thing. It is useless to repeat all the arguments against his position, because so many people already did. Although he is right when he says that no one really enjoys authoring XSD, WSDL or policy files manually, it’s completely wrong to “start asking for tools that hide all those details”.

Never do this! Start asking for tools which help authoring XSD, WSDL, or policy files. Tools which don’t hide your contracts but help to understand them. This is not to say that APIs are bad. There are contexts which demand for APIs, even APIs which hide the contract details. But in most cases, especially when taking SOAs into account there is a great demand for APIs which closely resemble the contracts of the world you want to participate in.

I don’t want to annoy people with the details of XSD, WSDL or even worse WS-Policy. But everyone implementing a SOA MUST understand the basics and the paradigm!

Posted by Hartmut Wilms at 18.02.05 11:53

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Everyone writing DCOM apps must write and understand MIDL and NDR. Everyone writing CORBA apps must understand IIOP on a protocol level. Everyone who codes in C must understand x86 assembly. Correct?

Posted by: Clemens Vasters at 18.02.05 13:11

This is important! I gave an answer in another blog entry: http://www.innoq.com/blog/hw/2005/02/18/clemensvastersonmywrongpost.html.

Posted by: Hartmut Wilms at 18.02.05 13:52

Sorry, I fumbled with the link. Second try http://www.innoq.com/blog/hw/2005/02/18/clemensvastersonmywrongpost.html

Posted by: Hartmut Wilms at 18.02.05 13:55