Stefan Tilkov's Random Stuff

Presentation Week

I have a slightly weird week ahead of me: On Monday, I will be presenting at WJAX in Munich, on SOA ("(K)Ein Kochrezept: von Null auf SOA in 10 Schritten"). Then I'll travel back to Cologne to present at the Cologne Java User Group on JSR 311 (JAX-RS). On Tuesday, I'll be back in Munich to talk about Ruby Metaprogramming and Lightweight SOA. Finally, Thursday and Friday the whole company gathers together for our next company event, where (among a lot of other sessions) I'll present Jeff Bay's Object Calisthenics (and we'll spend some time trying it out).

And although I can re-use a lot of stuff, I still have to prepare all of the presentations – one day I'll manage to not do this at the last possible moment …