Stefan Tilkov's Random Stuff

Mario Jeckle

Prof. Mario Jeckle, a very well-known German IT expert and DaimlerChrysler's OMG and W3C representative, has died in an accident. Although I met him in person only a couple of weeks ago, I have known his name and appreciated his work for years. This is truly a great loss.

He was 30 years old, and apparently died while trying to help some people involved in an accident.


On June 15, 2004 6:08 AM, Mark Baker said:

Oh my, what a horrible, horrible loss. Mario was always as polite and considerate as could be in the few dealings I had with him while we were members of the XML Protocol WG together.

On June 15, 2004 8:39 AM, Christian Weyer said:

Es ist wirklich unfassbar - ich stehe völlig neben mir …

On June 18, 2004 5:23 AM, Jimmy zhang said:

What a tragedy. He is such a nice person!