Stefan Tilkov's Random Stuff

Lord of the Rings III

The day before yesterday, I saw The Return of The King, and I have to admit I share Tim Bray’s opinion. I definitely think it was the weakest of the three, and I really can’t see any obvious explanation for changing the original story — especially since it doesn’t benefit action-wise. While Tolkien’s Frodo is a noble, admirable, real hero, Jackson’s is a total loser. I also had to remember that a friend of mine told me some time ago that Gollum has about 200 different facial expressions, which sadly, is about 198 more than Elijah Wood. Anyway, all three parts taken together are definitely a great achievement, and of course there was no way I could have not watched it.


On February 18, 2004 7:09 AM, Troll said:

I believe Lord of the Rings III is the geatest movie. it doesn’t happen very often when a screen version of a book is as powerful as the book itself… It’s more than words can say, and it deserves the best of awards.