XMLType with TopLink-essentials JPA

April 30, 2007

TopLink-essentials is only a reference implementation of JPA at sun and does not support XMLType of oracle. for more informations about how to support XMLType with TopLink-essentials Tom Ware Principal Software Engineer for Oracle gave this solutions:
Prior to the time we implemented XMLType support in Oracle TopLink it was possible to get some basic XMLType support working using a custom Converter in TopLink. Here is a link with a brief description of what a converter is:
It should be possible to build an converter in TopLink Essentials that can handle at least basic reading and writing (more complex queries will still require using native SQL). Configuring a mapping to use a converter is an extension of the actual JPA specification and would require using a descriptor Customizer. There is a description in the
link below.
Hopefully, this can help you.


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