April 21, 2004

State Machines with Enterprise Architect and iQgen

This little sample was developed just as an sample to show iQgen's capabilities with behavioral models. I used iQgen 2.0 for this, but it might be running with other versions as well.

The model was created with a trial version of Enterprise Architect 4.0 - a highly recommended CASE tool. Although there are some constraints in modelling state machines with EA in order to generate from theese with iQgen, this sample might be a good starting point.

All you have to do is to download and extract the zip-file, read the Readme.txt, and then just start generating and see the result. If you want to play around with other CASE tools, the state machines might be exported in a different way.

Maybe I'm able to show the usage of other diagram types near soon.

Posted by Phillip Ghadir at April 21, 2004 10:26 AM | TrackBack